Episode 8 The Psychodelic Elephant
Sandy Rozynko Q894: “I just haven’t seen or spoken to you in two years. (Unintelligible) You’re all right. Well, every time I tried to get a hold of you, they wouldn’t let me talk to you. Cause right now, I have a very busy life of my own, but I just wanted to tell you I love you.”
Joyce Roztynko Q894: “I’m happy; I hope you’re happy. We’re just thrilled you’re all right. I also want to tell you that I’m getting married. (Audio loops on original FBI tape). Cause right now I have a very busy life of my own, but I just wanted to tell you I love you. I’m happy, I hope you’re happy. We’re not coming back to American.”
Sandy Rozynko Q894: “You don’t sound like my mother. I don’t know what you heard about me, but it isn’t true. I’m living a very happy life now, and I like it where I am. I’m doing what I want to do, and I’m going to college. I’m doing great. I have a good life here. It's not what he said it's like. I swear to you it's different.”
Jones Q265: “And they said they didn’t care, with our licensed weapons, if we shot you in the legs and laid you down. So that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to quit trying to run you, just shoot your legs, so you won’t be able to go, and you’ll fall down. You understand what I’m saying? There is no sense in a good people trying build and put up with this shit of chasing people down every day and trying to locate them. So, he said, shoot them in the legs and that, by God will stop you. Won’t it? So, you guys better cut this running away and better cut it right fast. They better tell those people down there that’s manipulating in that ward to get special attention. I hope we’ve done something about that, because these mental cases that are now conveniently getting some milkshakes and some of this shit, they’re gonna get– they’re gonna get some vitamins and some food that isn’t so tasty. I remember years ago, we lived in a community of 900. I remember three suicides or four; I can’t quite remember. In one year, we’ve had none. No successful suicide. Really, some people say, well, why we have all our troubles? I’ll tell you why we have all of our troubles. We air all of our troubles in front of everybody. Everybody knows their neighbor’s business, that’s why you see all the troubles.
Now, I do think so that these– there’s some people have distress, and that’s legitimate, but we’re going to determine whether it is stress that is legitimate or if it’s deliberate anarchistic provocateur activity. So, we’re going to have a different diet. We’re gone have yellow food and green food, orange food and black food, and uh, it’ll have all the nutrition’s that’s are there, and they’ll be doing calisthenics. And we shall see how long these people remain mentally ill. If after they eat five or six plates of that and they still have a problem, we will conclude that they have an emotional problem. The psyche of the emotional department, those who’ve having problems related to emotions and it’s as easy for the emotions to become ill, we know that. We’re not going to be arbitrary. We know some people have real sincere problems. But I happen to be of the philosophy of the Chinese general who walked into the lunatic asylum when they freed China from the imperialist he came in and he said okay– and they were all babbling and shitting in their dishes and rolling in their shit. He said well, I know what we do with these people. They’re of no value to themselves or anyone else. He said if in fifteen minutes you haven’t lined up, I’m going to shoot all of you. In fifteen minutes, all of them were out hoeing the garden. I think mental cases for the most part, is a manipulation. Anybody can go under pressure, snap under pressure. Do silly ass shit and run off, try to take their life. We could all do that if we wanted to go ape shit. But it’s not fair to those who endure, carry their burden for some people to be getting milkshakes at night because they’re in the mental division.”
You’re listening to Transmissions from Jonestown. This is episode eight, The Psychodelic Elephant.
On this episode, we go further down the rabbit hole. Exploring more Jonestown medical experiment theories. As always, I would like to thank the anonymous contributors; without their opinions and voices, this episode would not be possible. My own thoughts and feelings about Jonestown and the Peoples Temple may differ, as might yours, never forget to think for yourself.
The Layton family played a significant role in the Peoples Temple. Larry Layton found himself in the center of a conspiracy to kill a congressman on November 18, 1978. Though it is unclear whether or not Jones ordered Larry to pretend to be a defector that day, he was aware of Larry‘s plan to shoot the pilot once the small plane was in the air, possibly killing the congressman and, at very least, killing some of the defectors.
Jones Q042: “Cause what’s going to happen here in a matter of a few minutes is that one of those people on the plane in going to shoot the pilot. I know that. I didn’t plan it, but I know it's going to happen. They're going to shoot that pilot and down comes that plane into the jungle. There’s one man there who blames, and rightfully so, Debbie Blakey for the murder of his mother, and he’ll shhh- stop that pilot by any means necessary.”
While the congressman and others were slaughtered on the runway, Larry shot at defectors seated on the small plane. After his arrest, Larry Layton sat blankly in a GDF police jeep, eyes glazed and face stoic, unaffected by the tragic events of the day. Witnesses claimed Larry seemed like he had been drugged; his eyes stared at nothing for days, and he showed no remorse or emotion. After the incident, Larry Layton would be the only person prosecuted in the deaths at Port Kaituma. Larry Layton had joined Peoples Temple years earlier, he was loyal and rose to a position of power within the planning commission. He worked as an x-ray technician in the Mendocino state hospital and eventually went to Jonestown. Jim Jones repeatedly stole Larry’s wives, accused him of being homosexual, and publicly humiliated him. But this did not diminish Larry’s undying devotion to Jim Jones and the cause. Early on, Larry recruited his kid sister, Debbie, into the Temple.
Debbie Layton worked in the radio room earning Jones’ trust and eventually was made financial secretary, cashing social security checks and moving money around the globe for the Temple. Debbie had been educated in England and while there met her future husband, George Phillip Blakey.
Anonymous contributor R: “George Phillip Blakey was brought up in a wealthy British family. His family had connections in the Guyanese mining industry dating back to when Guyana was a British colony. Phillip Blakey negotiated the lease for the land Jonestown was built on and made the 650,000$ down payment to Forbes Burnham, prime minister of Guyana. It used to be the site of Union Carbide bauxite and manganese mines, a company the Layton family had invested in going all the way back to the Civil War. Before joining Peoples Temple, Phillip Blakey had ties to British intelligence and drug companies.
He was contracted by the CIA from 1973 to 1975 as part of the Shalom project to train black mercenaries for war in Angola. Along with two hundred ex-special forces green berets and the CIA-backed Unita forces, Blakey trained the mercenaries in how to conduct psychological warfare against a leftist-leaning, newly independent government. The newly formed settlement near Mathews Ridge was chosen as the perfect isolated place to train for these tactics. In its inception, Jonestown was a front for CIA covert activity.”
Shortly after George Phillip Blakey married Debbie Layton, he went to Guyana to sign the lease for Jonestown and begin clearing the jungle for construction. When the people in Jonestown died on November 18, 1978, Phillip Blakey was on a supply run to Trinidad on the Peoples Temple boat, the Albatross.
Anonymous contributor G: “Jim Jones made sure that key people who had financed Jonestown weren’t there when the congressman visited, including his only flesh and blood son Stephan. Phillip Blakey and ten other Jonestown survivors escaped on the Cudjoe and made it to Grenada. There, they set up a safe haven for other Peoples Temple members. Rumors circulated that Blakey and Jim Jones’ son Stephen were rebuilding the Temple at an MKUltra-run hospital in Grenada. They had emptied out Temple bank accounts in Panama worth millions of dollars. “
Debbie and Phillip didn’t have much of a marriage. They were purposefully separated by Jim Jones. Although they both played an important role in building Jonestown, their paths rarely seemed to cross. Debbie became disillusioned when she finally went to Jonestown.
Anonymous contributor L: “Deborah saw that Jonestown was run like a concentration camp. The food was drugged, people were worked to death, and Jim Jones was withholding sick people’s medications. It was impossible to escape because armed guards were always watching. The slurred voice of Jim Jones was looped over the loudspeaker in Jonestown 24/7. Jim Jones must have sensed that Debbie was unhappy in the Temple, or he wouldn’t have sent her to Jonestown. He took away her passport and all of her possessions. She was barely left with a pair of socks to cover her feet so they didn’t get eaten by mosquitoes. According to Deborah, everyone wanted out of Jonestown, but they were not allowed to leave.”
In May of 1978, Debbie escaped from Jonestown. With the help of the American embassy in Georgetown, she filed an affidavit claiming that Jones had brainwashed his followers. She had seen nurses drugging children, and she described in detail the white night suicide drills. Yet no one at the American embassy in Georgetown did anything about these claims, nor did Interpol. After Debbie defected, Jim Jones considered her a slanderous enemy of the Temple and insisted that she was part of a conspiracy against him.
Jones Q979: “What gets me is not what they’d do to me. It’s the fact that they knowingly would take the food away from babies and seniors and medicines away from people in this very community of over 800 people, that they would knowingly try to destroy. Goddamn ‘em, I’d like to kill ‘em when I think about it. I mean, I could take my own hands and break their bones. Motherfuckers. Peace. Can’t walk away and keep their goddamn mouth shut. Save their goddamn ass, and then (unintelligible) get him for nothing, they didn’t get it– they didn’t have to do it. They were in no danger. They got up just to have their goddamn name in the newspaper. Dirty sons-a-bitches.”
At this point, I need to talk about the Layton family history for a minute. Lisa Layton, Deborah and Larry‘s mother, died in Jonestown before the mass tragedy. Lisa came from a wealthy German family. Her parents helped her immigrate to America during Nazi occupation. They themselves nearly died during the war. While they were being taken east to a concentration camp, they both swallowed poison. The Nazis, thinking they were dead threw them off the train. Miraculously, they survived. At the insistence of her son Larry, Lisa eventually joined Peoples Temple and moved to Jonestown. After Debbie escaped in May of '78, Lisa died of cancer.
Lisa Layton Q245: “I am Lisa Layton. I was born in Germany, and I left Germany because I’m Jewish and came to the United States, thinking that I might find freedom. However, I realized that there were not many places where there was freedom, and I found Peoples Temple and for the first time in my life felt that this was a group fighting for the freedom of its people. And we moved to Guyana to Jonestown, and here I have seen socialism and Marxist-Leninism at work. People are free, the children are getting a good education. I do not want to leave Jonestown under any circumstances. I personally feel that I want to die here in this place and no other place.”
Anonymous contributor M: “Lisa Layton’s father was a stockbroker working for IG Farben, the chemical company that manufactured Zyklon B during the war. Both her father and husband worked developing biological weapons. Their money and ties to the Rothschilds got Lisa out of Germany, but sadly, didn’t save her from Jonestown. Jones kept Lisa in Jonestown as insurance to keep the rest of her family from defecting. While Debbie was in Jonestown, she witnessed her mother’s illness grow steadily worse and knew Jim Jones was withholding her cancer medicines. After Debbie escaped, Lisa’s condition suddenly grew worse, and she died. Jim Jones blamed Debbie’s defection for Lisa‘s death, I think he killed Lisa for revenge.”
Lisa’s husband, Debbie and Larry’s father, Laurence Layton Sr., was an accomplished scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project. He went on to become the chief of biological and chemical research at the Dugway Proving Grounds. There, he worked developing chemical weapons and viruses to be weaponized for the military. In 1968, six thousand sheep from farms and ranches around the Dugway Proving Grounds died in their sleep. Today, the cause is known to have been weaponized anthrax developed at Dugway. Laurence Layton later developed nerve gases and worked on satellites and missiles. It is said that Laurence Layton provided over a quarter of a million dollars to the Peoples Temple. Laurence also worked for the Department of Agriculture doing animal testing on monkeys.
Anonymous contributor S: “I think the victims of Jonestown died from exposure to some type of chemical weapon such as sarin gas or an aerosolized biological weapon. Laurence Layton’s life’s work was developing these kinds of weapons, and his kids had access to his research. In the early 70s, Jim Jones and Timothy Stoen planned to poison the water supply in Washington, DC. They never attempted it as far as I know, but since then, the Peoples Temple became very interested in weapons of mass destruction. During a meeting with the planning commission, Jim Jones even claimed to have a nuclear weapon; he said all he needed was a detonator.
I think George Phillip Blakey encouraged Debbie to steal formulas from her father that were then tested on children and old folks in Jonestown. While the clinic was experimenting, they may have accidentally released toxins into the air, immediately killing everyone in Jonestown. When the government found out, they immediately covered it up, just like they did the 1984 Rajneesh bioterrorist attacks. It could explain why the bodies are all lying face down and also why the government had to wait four days before any bodies could be removed from the site. After the cleanup, the soldiers burned their clothes and boots, the earth in Jonestown was turned over, and the survivors were quarantined for over a month.”
In 1977, it was revealed that the US military carried out 239 secret open-air tests using biological weapons on its own people. They wanted to see how bacteria spread using supposedly harmless chemicals. As early as 1950, under the name Operation Sea Spray, the navy sprayed pathogens into the mist that covered San Francisco, exposing all of its residents to millions of particles. Several people got sick, and one person died.
Jones Q977: “Capitalist slave commodities. As I was saying today, you are nothing but a package commodity, and some of you still think that way. Some of you still think there’s a special love for you, and shit. You wait till your– You wait till your dick begins to wrinkle, and your vagina begins to slip. You’ll find out how much special love there is for you. Ah, yes, sure, yes, the files, the myriad numbers of files, COINTELPRO, and system files now, that push a button– A policeman can push a button out on the beat, and in a manner of minutes, he’s got your full report. Concentration camps. Nazism. Yes, that’s obvious. Dictatorship and the horrible, horrible, horrible death in a nuclear war, ‘cause it doesn’t happen suddenly. In a world gone mad with nuclear war, you’ll be glad you got jungle in which you can roam.”
Anonymous contributor R: “Jim Jones was head of the housing authority in San Francisco, Harvey Milk and Dan White were working on public housing projects. San Francisco was home to one of the most diverse populations in America, but like so many other cities, the wealth disparity between neighborhoods had become problematic. Too many gays on Castro gave San Francisco its first openly gay official, and too many Blacks at Hunter’s Point were calling for public housing reform. The civil rights movement was basically headquartered in San Francisco, and Berkeley University was home to a fair share of MKUltra projects. The Hippie movement died the day that Charlie Manson was on the news and every peace-loving flower child was looked at as a possible cult follower. Civil rights groups were successfully infiltrated by the FBI, their leaders killed, and generals incarcerated. The Vietnam War outlived the peace movement, and by the time it was over, no one trusted the government or the people who spoke out against it. The electric Kool Aid acid tests were over, and Height Ashbury was full of junkies and lost souls.
The CIA finally decided to abandon many of its brainwashing experiments and devote its resources to biological weapons development.”
Anonymous contributor Q: “Laurence Layton Sr worked on a top-secret project that the CIA believed to be a solution to San Francisco’s problem with anti-socials and degenerates. They believed that if they could target certain minorities, the LGBTQ community, poor African Americans, and narcotics addicts, then the city of San Francisco would be a better place.
Laurence Layton began working on a bioengineered virus that attacks a person’s immune system. The virus could be spread through sexual contact or blood transfusions such as intravenous drug use. They called it the H1 virus, but is now known as the HIV Aids virus. I believe Peoples Temple was a test group for the virus before it was spread throughout San Francisco and then the world. Jones always had monkeys around to experiment with, and when that wasn’t enough, he used his congregation. Jim Jones was obsessed with who had sex with whom in the Temple. He insisted on sleeping with many of the men and always had the last say as to who was allowed to have intercourse. Needless to say, the Temple members did whatever they wanted behind his back, but what other reason could he have had to ordain such things? He may not have known that he was spreading the aids virus when he anointed his flock, but he could have. In its experimental stages, Jones may have thought there was a cure. By the time he was sick and under quarantine in Jonestown, he probably knew he was going to die. For years, he had prepared Peoples Temple for a mass suicide with loyalty drills. He may have had a plan.
Rabbi Hill had dubious ties to Africa, where some of the first HIV experiments were performed and where, unfortunately, the virus broke out. He wasn’t far from Jonestown the night of the supposed suicides. I think he used his death squads to help the American government wipe out Jonestown and spent days covering it up. 400 dead at Jonestown remain to this day unclaimed or unidentified in a mass grave. The government couldn’t risk anyone finding out about their terrible experiment. Many babies born in Jonestown were infected with aids; they could never be allowed into the United States. Peoples Temple members couldn’t be trusted to stay in Jonestown with Jim Jones. His erratic behavior alienated the leadership, and one by one, Peoples Temple members who were involved in the conspiracy defected. The government decided to liquidate the project and destroy all of the evidence.
Jim Jones might have ensured that many people drank the Kool-Aid, but the American government took care of the rest. None of the infected could be allowed to leave. Even Jim Jones was shot in the head.
To this day, Guyana can’t scientifically explain how HIV spread so fast amongst its population. In fact, the world’s largest HIV research center is in Guyana set up by the CDC.”
Donald Defreeze: “Greetings to the people and fellow comrades, brothers and sisters. My name is Cinque. I am a black man and a representative of black people. I hold the rank of General Field Marshall in the United Federated Forces of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Today, I have received an order from the Symbionese war council, the court of the people, to the effect that I am ordered to convey the following message on behalf of the SLA and to insert a taped word of comfort and verification, that Patricia Cambell Hearst is alive and safe.”
Patty Hearst was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army in 1974. The wealthy daughter of William Randolph Hearst, Patty was 19 years old at the time of her kidnapping.
Patty Hearst: “Mom, Dad. I’m OK. I had a few scrapes and stuff, but they washed them up and they’re getting ok, and I’ve caught a cold, but they’re giving me pills for it. I’m not being starved or beaten or unnecessarily frightened. I’m kept blindfolded usually so that I can’t identify anyone. My hands are often tied but not… generally I’m they’re not. I would appreciate it if everyone would just calm down and not try to find me and not be making identification because they’re not only endangering me, but they’re endangering themselves.”
The Symbionese Liberation Army was a left-wing revolutionary group created by Donald Defreeze and known as Cinque or Cin. While Defreeze was an inmate at Vacaville State Prison and Medical Facility, he had participated in electroshock therapy and behavior modification experiments run by Dr. Jolyon West, whom we shall discuss later in this episode. Defreeze was given LSD and mescaline and submitted to several rounds of hypnosis. He was placed in solitary confinement and underwent a series of sleep deprivation and psychic driving experiments. Defreeze spoke openly about the experiments later, wanting to recreate the treatments he had received on kidnap victims. During his incarceration, the prison's visitation programs included visits by Black power groups and the Venceremos organization, a radical left political group inspired by Che Guevara. Donald Defreeze decided to create his own militia of guerilla fighters. He escaped from prison and created the SLA.
In 1973, two members of the SLA murdered Marcus Foster, the first black superintendent of the Oakland school district. The SLA claimed they killed Foster because of his plan to introduce identification cards for students was fascist. They shot him with cyanide-laced bullets.
Anonymous contributor M: “Dr. Marcus Foster was popular with left-wing African Americans. Publicly, he fought for equal education for minorities. Little did they know he was heavily involved in an embezzlement scheme that was taking money out of poor African American schools. He was snitching on people for the FBI and referring child delinquent cases into the hands of Nazi doctors doing mind control experiments on foster kids and in juvenile halls. Defreeze, through his contacts in the underground, knew who Marcus Foster was really working for.”
Two members of the SLA were imprisoned for the murder of Marcus Foster. Defreeze decided the SLA should kidnap someone wealthy and use them for a prisoner exchange. Patty Hearst had recently been in the news celebrating her betrothal to Steven Weed, and she lived near the SLA safe house.
Donald Defreeze: “The SLA has arrested the subject for the crimes that her mother and father have by their actions committed against we the American people and the oppressed people of the world. In understanding this charge, we must first understand who the Hearsts are and who they serve and represent. Randolph A. Hearst is the corporate chairman of the fascist media empire of the ultra-right Hearst Corporation, which is one of the largest propaganda institutions of this present military dictatorship of the militarily armed corporate state that we now live under in this nation.”
The nation was rocked by the news that the heir of the newspaper giant Hearst fortune had been kidnapped by black power militant guerrillas, although Defreeze was the SLA’s only black member. When the SLA realized that a prisoner swap was impossible, they demanded a ransom in the form of a public food distribution.
Q633 Reporter: “The Peoples Temple Christian church of Redwood Valley led by Pastor Jim Jones has voted to contribute $2000.00 to meet the demands of Patricia Hearst who was taken hostage recently by the Symbionese Liberation Army. This morning, I asked Jim Jones about this situation.”
Jim Jones: “Our primary concern is to help save the life of the young woman and of course, secondarily to make public our belief that if anything happens to her, it will only serve to aid those who want to bring about a big brother demagogic type of government.”
Reporter: “Members of your church who, I understand, say they would refuse to take any of the food that the SLA is demanding?”
Jim Jones: “Yes, we have obtained a consensus of over 500 of our membership who are on social security and those few who are on welfare that they will not take the $70.00 worth of food demanded by this so-called liberation army.”
Anonymous contributor J: “Jim Jones and his bodyguards showed up to one of the food distribution drops demanding that the food be distributed by the people who live in the neighborhood. He was a big fan of the Symbionese Liberation Army and publicly had said some shit that got him into trouble. The SLA was demanding that the government hand out 50 million dollars’ worth of food to the homeless, so Jones pledged 2 million dollars’ worth of food from the church. Peoples Temple members staged food drops, members of the congregation dressed like hobos and pushed their way to the front of the crowds grabbing all the food. Then they would meet up and load the food trucks back up with the same food and do it all again at a different drop spot. It was a scam. Violence erupted at one of the drops, so the FBI put a stop to it.”
Patty Hearst: “The SLA is really mad about certain attempts to make receiving the food be, you know, receiving goods that have been gotten by extortion. They just don’t want people to be harassed by the police or anybody else. And I hope you can do something about that, and if you can’t, well, I mean, they’ll do something about it. Also, I would like to emphasize that I am alive and that I am well. In spite of what certain tape experts seem to think, I’m fine. It's really depressing, though, to hear people talk about me like I’m dead. You know I can’t explain what that’s like. And what it does also is that it begins to convince other people that maybe I am dead, and when everybody is convinced that I am dead, then it gives the FBI an excuse to come in here and try to pull me out. If the FBI has to come in and get me out by force, then they don’t have time to decide who not to kill. They’ll just have to kill everyone.”
During her confinement, Patty Hearst communicated to the outside world through audio tapes. As time went on, the tape recordings became more surreal. Patty began to empathize and identify with her captors. After several weeks, she started to sound like them too.
Patty Hearst: “I renounce my class privilege, and I would never choose to live the rest of my life surrounded by pigs like the Hearsts. Patria o Muerte, Venceremos! Death to the fascist insect that preys upon the life of the people.”
Patty became radicalized by the SLA and renamed herself Tania after an associate of Che Guevara. She renounced her former life and wealth, dedicating herself to the revolution and the SLA. Security cameras spotted Patty yelling revolutionary slogans while waving a rifle at bank tellers as she and other members of the SLA robbed a bank. The public was shocked by Patty’s transformation from a normal American college kid to a militant guerilla fighter. At least in the beginning, Jim Jones admired Cinque and applauded the anti-capitalist ideas of the SLA. Peoples Temple members disturbed the Symbionese declaration during services. The police got a tip that there might be a connection between the SLA terrorists and Peoples Temple. Donald Defreeze and SLA member Nancy Lee Perry had attended several Peoples Temple meetings in the company of Patty Hearst’s fiancé Stephen Weed. The police poking around the temple made Jones nervous. He had been hostile towards many newspapers and had publicly expressed his disdain for the Hearst family and their wealth. Jones knew the police were well aware of this and might use his sermons as proof of motive for the kidnapping. Timothy Stoen wrote to the police, swearing there were no ties between the Temple and the SLA and Jones personally donated $2,000 to William Randolph Hearst.
Jones Q292: “It was a vicious attack, said Hearst, on a decent, law-abiding people. Well, Mr. Hearst, we are so glad that you consider the Ku Klux Klan a very good and acceptable citizenry.”
A rumor persists to this day that Peoples Temple member Chris Lewis was involved with the SLA. Chris was Jim’s chief bodyguard; at six foot two and weighing 220 pounds, Chris was feared by Temple members for his criminal history and violent past. Ex junkie pimp turned revolutionary Temple law enforcer; Chris Lewis served Jim in many ways using his contacts on the street for the betterment of the movement. Tim Stoen wrote a letter to the San Francisco police department stating that Chris Lewis was not involved with the SLA and would be willing to leave San Francisco never to return. In 1973, Chris was arrested for the murder of a member of the Black Liberation Army during a public works meeting. Jim Jones spent thousands of dollars towards Chris’ defense, which ended up with his acquittal. That same year, at a meeting with the Temples’ planning commission, Chris Lewis shot Rory Hithe in front of several Peoples Temple members. Once again, Chris Lewis was arrested and tried for murder but mysteriously managed to get off, claiming he had shot Rory in self-defense. In 1977, Chris Lewis was murdered at Hunters’ Point. Law enforcement believed the crime was drug-related. Jim Jones spoke about Chris Lewis as a martyr who died at the hand of their enemies for the cause.
After 19 months in captivity and on the run, Patty Hearst was arrested in a shootout with police that took the life of Donald Defreeze. The SLA headquarters burned down during the firefight, killing almost everyone inside.
Patty Hearst: “Greetings to the people. This is Tania. I want to talk about the way I knew our six murdered comrades because the fascist pig media have, of course, been painting a typically distorted picture of these beautiful sisters and brothers. Cujo (Kahjoh) was the gentlest, most beautiful man I've ever known. He taught me the truth as he learned it from the beautiful brothers in California's concentration camps. We loved each other so much, and his love for the people was so deep that he was willing to give his life for them. I was ripped off by the pigs when they murdered Cujo. Ripped off the same way that thousands of sisters and brothers in this fascist country have been ripped from the people they love. We mourn together and the sound of gunfire becomes sweeter. I know that the pigs are proud of themselves. They’ve killed another black leader. In typical pig fashion, they have said that Cinque committed suicide. What horseshit. Cin committed suicide the same way Malcolm and King and Bobby and Fred and Johnathon and George did. But no matter how many leaders are killed, the pigs can’t kill their ideals. I learned a lot from Cin and the comrades who died in that fire. While I have no death wish, I have never been afraid of death. For this reason, the brainwashed duress theory of the pig Hearst’s had always amused me. Patria o Muerte, Venceremos! Death to the fascist insect that preys upon the life of the people.”
In custody, Patty claimed that she had been drugged with LSD and mescaline and that the SLA had forced her to rob the bank. Dr. Jolyon West and Margaret Singer both extensively interviewed Patty Hearst, and both came to the same conclusion that she had been brainwashed. Margaret Singer referred to Patty Hearst as a low IQ-affected zombie. Dr. West argued that because she had been held in a tiny closet, starved, and sexually abused while being drugged, the SLA had, in effect, reprogrammed Patty’s mind. Patty Hearst was convicted of the bank robbery and sentenced to 7 years in prison.
Jones Q671: “I’m rather interested too, brothers, your opinion about the Patricia Hearst situation. It seemed to me that a number of people took a great deal of satisfaction in seeing this young woman convicted. The whole concept of brainwashing seems to be, not based on her being rich or poor – I don’t think that has anything to do with it – but it seemed to me that we need to look at this question of empathy for a person who’s brainwashed, and then the dangerous precedent that anyone’s child or daughter or their son might be kidnapped and put through the same kind of thing.”
In September of 1978, a month before going to Guyana, Congressman Leo Ryan submitted a petition to President Jimmy Carter, seeking to have Patricia Hearst’s seven-year prison term commuted to the 18 months she had already served. After the Jonestown massacre, even John Wayne publicly defended Patty, saying, “How could people readily accept that Jim Jones had brainwashed over 900 people but could not accept that the SLA had brainwashed one teenage girl.”. Patty Hearst was released from prison in 1979 and was finally pardoned in 2001 by President Bill Clinton.
You can’t wear white shoes after Labor Day.
Leo Ryan had acquired a reputation for nosing around secret CIA projects and exposing them to Congress. The Hugh’s Ryan amendment aimed to hold the CIA accountable for their actions morally and monetarily. Ryan was investigating the horrific medical experiments that had been performed on Donald Defreeze in Vacaville State Medical Facility. He interviewed Clifford Jefferson, a former Vacaville inmate who had witnessed Defreeze take part in Dr. West’s behavioral modification experiments. Leo Ryan leaked this information to an investigative reporter named Jack Anderson, who printed the story, including the interview with Clifford Jefferson. Jefferson claimed that Dr. West was determined to find the breaking point in his subjects. He would drug an inmate with LSD and mescaline and put them in solitary confinement until they agreed to anything. Once freed from the hole, the inmate had no will of his own and appeared to be brainwashed. Clifford went on to say that Defreeze had learned in Vacaville the methods to create a mind slave through the use of drugs, torture, and solitary confinement.
Jones Q212: “Christine Young, one of the main persons in charge of the extended care unit, is a psychiatric nurse. Illness of emotion is no different than illness of the stomach or of the back or kidneys or eye trouble or anything else. She knows a number of methods of getting people reality therapy, where they come in contact with reality again and find that their world is much brighter than they thought it was. I’m authorizing her to implement it inside the care center where she is. ‘Course, the security must be around because of some things we’ve had about people who just manipulate, but most of the people in psychiatric, uh, the extended care unit do not do that. They’ve had a pressure, and the pressure has gotten big, so this will be talking on how to make money so they can get oriented and feel productive, and we want to keep them productive all day long. Any joke made about anyone on Public Services or in the extended care unit will automatically mean that you’ll be in Public Service Unit. And you will be there for a long while if you make one bit of fun of anyone that has any kind of emotional problem or physical problem. We will not tolerate it.”
Leo Ryan’s mission to disrupt programs that Congress deemed to interfere with a person’s constitutional rights won him several enemies. After Leo Ryan’s assassination in Guyana, Ryan’s family began an extensive investigation into the events leading up to his death. In 1980, Ryan’s family filed a lawsuit against the state of California for damages of 3 million dollars plus the cost of burial and the funeral. The lawsuit charged that the Jonestown Colony was infiltrated with agents of the Central Intelligence Agency, therefore, these agents played a significant role in the assassination of the congressman.
Anonymous contributor L: “Joseph Holsinger was Leo Ryan’s chief of staff and a close personal friend. He had researched Jonestown and the Peoples Temple, helping to prepare the congressman for his visit to the settlement. But when it came time to go to Jonestown, Holsinger was not allowed to go, and Jackie Speier was chosen in his place. It seemed strange that Jackie Speier accompanied Ryan to Jonestown instead of Joseph Holsinger because she hadn’t researched the cult, and she didn’t know what she was getting into. When the congressman met with the Guyanese government in Georgetown, there was some controversy as to how to interpret Guyanese privacy laws. Initially, the congressman was told he couldn’t just trespass on Peoples Temple land and infringe upon Jonestown’s right to privacy. Jackie Speier’s liberal interpretations of Guyanese law were instrumental in getting them through the gates of Jonestown. Had she not been there to re-interpret Guyanese law and goad Ryan into going to Jonestown, they may have not been allowed in and returned to the United States empty-handed.”
In 1980, Joseph Holsinger testified in front of the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee, stating that he believed that CIA operatives working at the US embassy in Georgetown had used Jim Jones and his settlement in a behavioral modification experiment. Holsinger claimed to have information from an unimpeachable source that a CIA agent was present during the assassination of Congressman Ryan. He alleged that said agent was likely the Deputy Chief of Mission to Guyana, Richard Dwyer. Larry Layton’s defense attorney also pointed this out but was not allowed to question Richard Dwyer in court about his time in South America or his work for the CIA.
In his statement, Holsinger claimed that an elaborate cover-up had been launched by the US government to conceal the truth about Jonestown. A Berkeley professor who had been involved with mind control projects had sent Joseph Holsinger a document called the Penal Colony. This document allegedly proved that the CIA had lied to Congress about ending its mind control experiment studies and was, in fact, transferring resources and projects from institutions and prisons to religious groups. Joseph Holsinger speculated that MKUltra’s new focus was on cults and that the CIA had worked with Jim Jones to experiment on the Peoples Temple.
Joseph Holsinger: “There had been an article in the San Mateo Times in December of '79, which indicated that the Deputy Chief of Mission there, Richard Dwyer, was in fact the CIA Station Chief. He was the one that went to Jonestown with Leo’s party, and he claimed to be slightly wounded, but there was a tape made at the time of the murders and suicides there with Jones yelling, “Get Dwyer out of here! Get Dwyer out of here!” The indications are that Dwyer went back into Jonestown after Leo was murdered and was there at the time. There's great questions as to who shot Jim Jones and why? Was Jones shot to shut him up?
The question also as to how all these people died and just when they died, which is all documented here. As soon as I came back from Washington because of my testimony, I started getting documentation from Berkeley psychologists called 'The Penal Colony' here. Then, from the Alliance for Preservation Religious Liberty in Washington, which indicated other things. One of which was that George Phillip Blakey was a top Jones aide, and he was the man who arranged the purchase or the lease of the land in Guyana, provided the money, arranged the lease down in 1974. He is also now tracked as being a CIA operative in Angola in 1975 with UNITA. He's also the same guy who was a top aide, who arranged all this purchasing and finances, is also the husband of Deborah Layton Blakey, who fled Jonestown and made those charges. He's the brother-in-law of Larry Layton, who was acquitted yesterday. And it is interesting to note that the Presidential Times Tribune says, yesterday, in an acquitting, the jury appeared to have agreed with the defense contention that Layton was brainwashed and drugged at the time of the shootings and could not be held criminally responsible.
The gist to what I'm getting to is this: I received a lot of documentation, which I'll provide you here today, that indicates the strong possibility that Jonestown and the People's Temple, was in reality, a mass mind control experiment conducted by the CIA as a follow-up to something called MKULTRA which they conducted from the early 50s through 1974. They used to use the VA hospitals and state hospitals. They used the federal and state penitentiaries for their experiment.”
Interviewer: “Do you think that Jim Jones was actively involved with the CIA?”
Joe Holsinger: “I do now.”
In 1981, Jonestown survivors filed a sixty-three-million-dollar lawsuit against Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and CIA director Stansfield Turner. The suit stated that the State Department and CIA conspired to enhance the economic and political powers of James Warren Jones, conducting mind control and drug experimentation in Jonestown. The suit was dismissed for failure to prosecute in a timely manner, and all requests for appeal were denied. Stansfield Turner would later become the director of Monsanto, known the world over for pesticides, poisons, GMOs, and NutraSweet.
Jones Q313: “My universal presence, that’s here, there and everywhere. That’s in my house, and is in your body, and is in your home while you sleep. I’m here, there; there is no space that I am not present. Now I fill all space, occupy all time. You’ve forgotten who I am.”
In response to the tragic events in Jonestown, a government watchdog group called the American Family Foundation was set up to investigate cultic groups that use brainwashing techniques on their followers. Concerned parents all over America were worried that their estranged children might join a cult or be manipulated by people like Jim Jones or Charles Manson.
The American Family Foundation was created to investigate groups that could be categorized as a cult; to remove brainwashed members from the cult and deprogram them so they could be returned to their families and society. Many anti cult activists associated with the American Family Foundation had been involved with Peoples Temple throughout the years. As you may remember, Rabbi Maurice Davis sold Jim Jones his first church, and Margaret Singer worked at the Porter Langley Neurological Research Center, where Jim Jones was treated for mental illness and volunteered for medical research. She was also involved with mental health treatment given to Jonestown survivors, and finally Dr. Hardat Sukhdeo, the Guyanese brainwashing expert that provided the media with a motive for the suicides in Jonestown, as well as deprogrammed the survivors who were isolated for several days at a hotel in Georgetown.
The American Family Foundation, with its controversial methods of hypnosis and kidnapping, provided courtrooms throughout America with medical expert testimonies in some of the most well-known cases involving brainwashing. I would like to now read two quotes by the founding fathers of the American Family Foundation.
A message brought to you by the American Family Foundation:
In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless, and contented. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the research of psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and biochemistry will be brought into play. All the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called 'co-operative,' i.e., to do exactly what everybody is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished, will be scientifically trained out of them.
There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it because they will be distracted by any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.
Jones Q313: “How much longer you think it’s going to be before they round up blacks in concentration camps? What do you think’s going to happen to black America? You’re an idiot. That’s what I got to say for you people. I’m tired of this psychological bullshit. You are an idiot. I’m not just a man. You’re a fool.”
Anonymous contributor G: “The American Family Foundation was set up by the very people that had directed all the MKUltra projects. The organization hired ex-green berets and the hells angels to kidnap alleged cult members so they could be deprogrammed. They used hypnosis to plant false memories often involving satanic orgies or child abuse to discredit communist or anti-social organizations designated as terrorist by the FBI. They were legally kidnapping and imprisoning people years before the patriot act, all under the cover of an anti-cult network. After the Church Committee hearings and introduction of the Leo Ryan amendment, the government had to get creative if it wanted to continue its research into mind control.
The American Family Foundation was set up as a continuation of MKUltra, as were several affiliated anti cult groups like the cult awareness network. As a nonprofit foundation supported by anonymous investors and private donations, they spied on, stole from, and kidnapped American citizens for the FBI co-intelligence programs while publicly maintaining its image as a social awareness group working to protect American children from people like Jim Jones.”
World-renowned psychological warfare expert and one-time director of the American Family Foundation, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, is yet another mind control expert who, at one tim,e participated in MKUltra experiments.
Anonymous contributor M: “In 1950, several American Air Force pilots were captured during the Korean war. The US government believed that Korean interrogators had brainwashed the pilots and forced them to confess to war crimes they didn’t commit, including the slaughter of over 300 women and children on a railroad bridge just southeast of Seoul. Dr Jolyon West was called in to determine if the pilots had been brainwashed or drugged. He is quoted as saying, “What we found enabled us to rule out drugs, hypnosis or other mysterious trickery. It was just one device used to confuse, bewilder, and torment our men until they were ready to confess to anything. That device was prolonged chronic loss of sleep.”. As a result of Dr. Wests’ research, the airmen avoided being court-martialed. Right at the onset of his career, Dr. Jolyon West was developing ways to tamper with people’s memories. By the way, the massacre at the railroad bridge actually did happen and was perpetrated by American soldiers, only the number of casualties is now thought of to be over 500.”
Jones Q977: “Just watching some of you sleeping. It’s amazing how you can sit– uh, set straight up and sleep and yawn. Say, I can’t help sleeping. Oh yes, you can. If you care enough about what’s being said, you don’t sleep.”
Dr. West is listed in the financial documents for MKUltra as a subcontractor for project 43. He received over twenty thousand dollars from the CIA to fund his research into psychological studies into hypnosis and suggestibility as well as a study of dissociative states. In 1962, Dr. West dosed an elephant with LSD to test its effects on the animal’s aggression and testosterone levels. Unfortunately, he scaled up the dosage, basing it on the elephant’s body weight and not the weight of its brain, and the animal had seizures and died. According to Dr. West, he then took LSD himself before performing an autopsy on the elephant, where he sloshed around inside its body cavity while formulating a plan to control entire herds of elephants using LSD. The psychedelic elephant experiment was later repeated by a researcher at UCLA. LSD was given to two elephants, only this time in the correct amount. The elephants acted strangely for 2 hours and even seemed to enjoy themselves.
Anonymous contributor Q: “Dr. West moved to Los Angeles where he set up a laboratory to begin experimenting with drugs and electric shock as part of his developing aversion therapies for violent offenders. In his proposal to the CIA for the project, he wrote”:
“In some patients, outbursts of uncontrolled rage have definitely been linked to abnormal electrical activity in deeply buried areas of the brain. For many years, neurologists have measured the electrical activity of the brain with electrodes attached to the scalp. Now, by implanting tiny electrodes deep within the brain, electrical activity can be followed in areas that cannot be measured from the surface. It is even possible to record bioelectrical changes in the brains of freely moving subjects, through the use of remote monitoring techniques.”
Anonymous contributor G: “Dr. West was determined to use psychotropic drugs, chemical castration and electric shock to modify human behavior and to control a person via computer. His aversion therapy techniques were considered cruel as they usually involved young children being shocked with cattle prods or inmates having their memories erased. The FBI funded brainwashing experiments directed by Dr. West at the Vacaville State Prison and Medical Facility in California. Famous inmates of the medical treatment center include Donald Defreeze, Timothy Leary, Bobby Beausoleil, and Charles Manson. Dr. West had proposed implanting sexual predators with tracking devices and installing devices that could electrically stimulate certain parts of the brain to modify undesirable behavior. Dr. West was also developing his theories on dual personalities and how to create the perfect Manchurian candidate. His experiments with false memory insertion by using drugs and hypnotism, as history has shown, proved successful.”
The fact that Dr. West experimented on the mind of Donald Defreeze is disturbing, especially when considering that after Patty Hearst was arrested, Dr. West was called in to do her psychological profile. He interviewed Patty Hearst for fifteen hours and, in the end, concluded that she had been brainwashed. Although the methodologies employed by Dr. West were inhumane and controversial, for four decades, he was regarded as the world’s foremost expert on mind control. After Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald, Dr. West was chosen to interview him in his jail cell. He diagnosed Jack Ruby as a delusional psychotic. Ruby was prescribed what Dr. West called happy pills, which we know now were sodium pentothal and barbiturates. He underwent deprivation therapy in his cell and was continuously interrogated. Jack Ruby said he thought the doctors were trying to make him forget who he was, and he believed the happy pills had given him cancer.
Jack Ruby: “It happened in such a blur that, it happened in such a blur that before I knew it, I was down on the ground. The officers had me on the ground. It happened so fast and everything else that I can’t recall what had happened from the time I came to the bottom on the ramp until the police officers had me on the ground.”
Man: “Did you know Oswald before?”
Jack Ruby: “Never had known him or seen him before. I was so emotionally upset for three days. The ironic part of this is had I made an illegal turn behind the bus to the parking lot, had I gone the way I was supposed to go, straight down Main Street. I would never have met this fate because the difference in meeting this fate was 30 seconds one way or the other.”
Dr. West examined Sirhan Sirhan after the assassination of Robert Kennedy. He claimed Sirhan was a victim of psychic driving, a mind-altering technique involving looped audio repeated to a subject under the influence of hypnosis or paralytic drugs, creating a trigger word or sentence that, when used, would activate a hidden personality programmed within the subject.
Sirhan Sirhan: “I started searching for coffee. That was all I wanted to do, and I found some.”
Reporter: “In the kitchen area?”
Sirhan Sirhan: “Where I don’t remember, sir.”
Reporter: “In a kitchen-type room?”
Sirhan Sirhan: “I don’t remember where I saw it. I remember getting the cup it was a shiny urn.”
Reporter: “Large urn?”
Sirhan Sirhan: “There was a girl there. I don’t remember much, what happened after that.”
Reporter: “You don’t remember?”
Sirhan Sirhan: “I don’t remember.”
Reporter: “Do you remember anything?”
Sirhan Sirhan: “Other than the choking and the commotion, I remember that.”
In 1972, Dr. West was the Director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute and chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA. With the support of Governor Ronald Reagan, Dr. West began plans to build the center for the study of the reduction of violence. For this study, Dr. West planned to experiment on groups of Latinos and African Americans as well as children. West wrote a letter to the California director of health, J. M. Stubblebine, that said:
“Dear Stub:
I am in possession of confidential information that the Army is prepared to turn over Nike missile bases to state and local agencies for non-military purposes. They may look with special favor on health-related applications. Such a Nike missile base is located in the Santa Monica Mountains, within a half-hour's drive of the Neuropsychiatric Institute. It is accessible, but relatively remote. The site is securely fenced, and includes various buildings and improvements, making it suitable for prompt occupancy. If this site were made available to the Neuropsychiatric Institute as a research facility, perhaps initially as an adjunct to the new Center for the Prevention of Violence, we could put it to very good use. Comparative studies could be carried out there, in an isolated but convenient location, of experimental or model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior. Such programs might include control of drug or alcohol abuse, modification of chronic anti-social or impulsive aggressiveness, etc. The site could also accommodate conferences or retreats for instruction of selected groups of mental-health related professionals and of others (e.g., law enforcement personnel, parole officers, special educators) for whom both demonstration and participation would be effective modes of instruction. My understanding is that a direct request by the Governo Reagan, or other appropriate officers of the State, to the Secretary of Defense (or, of course, the President), could be most likely to produce prompt results."
Some of the planned areas of study at the Center included:
Studies of violent individuals.
Experiments on violent inmates within the prison system.
Experiments with violence-producing and violent-inhibiting drugs.
Hormonal aspects of passivity and aggressiveness in boys.
Studies to discover and compare norms of violence among various ethnic groups.
Studies of pre-delinquent children and self-directed violence.
Chemical castration.
Experiments on women to determine violent tendencies.
Anonymous contributor J: “Part of the plan for the reduction of violence study was to take 150 children from foster homes in the Los Angeles area and do comparative studies on self-directed violence. This suicide study would attempt to determine why some children commit suicide and others do not. These children were given to the Peoples Temple and transported to Jonestown, proving that under the right circumstances anyone is capable of suicide or murder.”
Interviewer Q714: “What’s your name?”
Dyson Q714: “Florine. F-L-O-R-I-N-E. D-Y-S-O-N. Florine Dyson.”
Interviewer Q714: “Thank you. What would you do for the revolution?”
Dyson Q714: “Oh, I would give my life. I— uh, uh, oh, this revolutionary that Jim Jones calls for.”
Harris Q714: “My name is John Harris, and I’m a violent revolutionary, and I killed three children.”
Jackson Q714: “I would kill any government official that would stand in the way of our church progress.”
Interviewer Q714: “What would— What would you do for this cause?”
Tardy Q714: “Oh. I would— I would kill um, murder, or do anything, you know. What would you do for this family?”
Lorraine Davis Q714: “Well, I’d— I’d do whatever— Whatever it takes for the fa— for the family, and Father uh.” (unintelligible under interviewer interruption)
Interviewer Q714: “What would you be for this family? If it became necessary, what would you be for this family?”
Lorraine Davis Q714: “Well, for Father, I’d be— I mean, could I— I—"
Interviewer Q714: “What would you be? Say it.”
Lorraine Davis Q714: “I’d say— Well, whatever Father says. If it’s violent, I’d be violent.”
Snubley Q714: “I'm a revolution missionary.”
The similarities between Dr. Louis Jolyon Wests’ findings in his lifelong research into brainwashing and the evolution of brainwashing techniques used by Jim Jones is startling. From the beginning, they both used psychedelic drugs on animals and those they regarded as humanity's trash. They both spent their entire careers trying to control the human mind through forms of mass hypnotism and false memory insertion. They both used cattle prods to treat drug addicts and pedophiles in aversion therapy, and in 1974, they both set out to exploit and destroy an unsuspecting population of minorities for the purposes of mad science. Dr. West may have been given the title of world’s foremost expert on brainwashing, but we all know Jim Jones could have taught him a thing or two. Jim’s experiments didn’t just last a few weeks or an afternoon. He had been committed life long to unlocking the dark secrets of the human mind and then enslave it.
In 1974, the United States Senate was looking into the individual rights and the federal role in human behavior. Questions had been raised about the constitutional rights of subjects in federally funded experiments. It was determined that individual rights and the government's role in behavior modification show that these agencies had certain target populations in mind for both individual and mass control. Blacks, women, prisoners, the elderly, children, and inmates of psychiatric wards were all targets. As I have now just described the majority of people that died in Jonestown, it is important to point out that in 1974, when the reduction for violence study was forced to go underground and seek nontraditional funding, Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple signed the lease in Guyana and started clearing jungle to build Jonestown.
Anonymous contributor M: “Jonestown had a population of just over 900 people. But in the aftermath, an insane amount of sedatives, narcotics, antipsychotics, and psychotropic drugs were found in Jonestown. Here’s a list of just some of what was catalogued by the FBI:
10,000 doses of Thorazine
1,000 Quaaludes
1,000 Vistaril
1,000 Nodular
5,000 doses of Valium
200 vials of Morphine
1100 doses of Talwin
1000 doses of Seconal
And 20,000 doses of Demerol, a narcotic analgesic similar to Morphine. A known side effect of this drug is a lack of interest in sex. Clearly this was not all intended for Jim Jones use only.”
Not unlike Dr. Jolyon West, Jim Jones had strived to help drug addicts and violent criminals rehabilitate and rejoin society. Though they both inflicted upon their subjects inhumane tortures and destroyed the minds of people who trusted them, they did it with impunity, never prosecuted by the government that often funded them, nor forced to pay for their crimes or somehow repay their victims.
Between 1974 and 1989, Dr. West received over five million dollars in grants from the federal government to fund his research. Later in his career, he advocated the use of psychiatric drugs in American society, saying, “Clinging to the drug-free state of mind is an antiquated position for anyone.”. It is interesting to note here that after Dr. West died, his protégé went on to become head of psychiatry at Guantanamo Bay. Dr. West’s legacy lives on. His son wrote a book dedicated to his father entitled “Last Goodnights: Assisting my Parents with their Suicides.”.
Female Q1053-3: “Father?”
Jones Q1053-3: “Yes.”
Female Q1053-3: “This morning I heard over the news where they were making robots, and these robots, they would have the brains of a man, and they had X-ray eyes, and they would– a certain television would record everything, and they were made purposely to– they said to explore the mountains and…”
Jones Q1053-3: “Yeah, and the first thing they’ll do– they’re going to get them, and they’ve got them practically to that degree now they can wash and clean and do that, and then what they going to need us for anymore? You see, that’s what it’s all about, the push-button systems that we live in. And now with automation, when they can run a whole factory from a computer, or they can get a robot to run around and wash and clean, you know that it fits together that they’re going to eliminate us.”
By 1988, the use of anti-depressants in America rose over four hundred percent. In 2010 alone, over 33 million prescriptions for Zoloft and 25 million prescriptions for Prozac were filled. Over the last decade, prescription drug-related overdoses and suicides have been at an all-time high, and the government is calling addiction to opioids- a legal form of heroin- an epidemic. These drugs are developed and manufactured by the government for mass consumption by the American people. As the government remained complacent about Jonestown, drug companies show similar disdain for those adversely affected by their products.
The purpose of MKUltra was to find a way to control the minds of a population unaware that they were subject to manipulation. Maybe that little pill in the medicine cabinet that gets you through the day is the product of years of federally funded research. A government-sanctioned way to tune in, turn on, and drop out.
End Transmission